When available and allowed a referral or download link has been provided. Reports of development related research are usually not available for the general public. If you see something you are interested in without a link or are missing something, contact info@archaeologycuracao.com and we will see what we can do for you.
Lipids in Archaeological Sediments.
Rabinow, Sophie (2024). Lipids in Archaeological Sediments. Presentation CCLP Open House, October 19, 2024. more info
3D Modeling Curaçaos Heritage: SfM Photogrammetry in Action.
Settle, Kathleen (2024). 3D Modeling Curaçaos Heritage: SfM Photogrammetry in Action. Presentation CCLP Open House, October 19, 2024. more info
Finding the First Curaçaoans: Discoveries from the Oldest Archaeological Site on Curaçao.
Christina, M. Giovas (2024). Finding the First Curaçaoans: Discoveries from the Oldest Archaeological Site on Curaçao. Presentation CCLP Open House, October 19, 2024. more info
Indigenous Archaic age mortuary behavior on Curacao: preliminary results from Sint Marie.
Kraan, Claudia (2024). Indigenous Archaic age mortuary behavior on Curacao: preliminary results from Sint Marie. Presentation CCLP Open House, October 19, 2024. more info
Radiocarbon dates from Curaçao’s oldest Archaic site extend earliest island settlement to ca. 5700 cal BP.
Kraan, C. T., Kappers, M., Lowe, K. M., Maezumi, S. Y., & Giovas, C. M. (2024). Radiocarbon dates from Curaçao’s oldest Archaic site extend earliest island settlement to ca. 5700 cal BP. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 1–8. more info
Algemene handleiding voor de serie lesbrieven over het materiële en immateriële cultureel erfgoed van Curaçao Funderend Onderwijs (2e cyclus)
Minkes, Wynne (2018). Algemene handleiding voor de serie lesbrieven over het materiële en immateriële cultureel erfgoed van Curaçao Funderend Onderwijs (2e cyclus) more info
Manual general pa e seri di guia di lès tokante herensia kultural tangibel i intangibel di Kòrsou Enseñansa di Fundeshi (siklo dos) di Kòrsou
Minkes, Wynne (2018). Manual general pa e seri di guia di lès tokante herensia kultural tangibel i intangibel di Kòrsou Enseñansa di Fundeshi (siklo dos) di Kòrsou more info